October 2022 with Emmy

Man we have had a chalked full October. Emmy has had so many appointments this month and we are finally seeing the end of them. ( I think)

To start off she was back at McMaster for X-rays of her foot and everything is healed up beautifully. She did a great job and no need to use the cast again. It still is a mystery how she broke it in the first place. And it is concerning that she did not feel the amount of pain she should have for that type of break. But her bones are strong and healed and there is no need to worry about them not being strong. The only concern now is growth in that foot. We go back in 10 months for more X-rays to make sure all is well.

It’s a bad picture but you can tell there’s no separation.

She is also seeing a new heart doctor in Brampton, who is great. He’s leaving no stone unturned and really making sure she has the right care. The reason she is seeing him is because she has slightly high blood pressure for her age. Her blood pressure is phase 1 so no need for medication but we have to watch her salt.
She had an ultrasound on her heart and they did find something on it. She has a very rare abnormality. There is no name for it but 2 in 10000 people have something similar. It’s not causing her high blood pressure it is just something they randomly found. Not fixable but a life saving operation can be done if needed. Otherwise operation is to risky. She will need to follow up with the heart doc for the rest of her life. Her one main artery vein was not formed properly and is entering her heart from the bottom rather then the side and is a little twisted… she has to watch her cholesterol (we got the blood work done for this to see if it is high) and weight gain as she gets older isn’t good. As she grows it could change or become worse….She was also scheduled for an ECG. The ECG was easy. She has had a few before so no biggy there and it came back fine. The ultrasound took 45 min and it hurt her 😦 she was all red and very uncomfortable during it. Of coarse all this is hard to hear and at the time I was like okay, we got this, but after you really dwell on it it’s hard to take. It’s scary. He ordered her a TON of blood work. A 24 hour pee test and some random ones. A heart monitor to wear for 3 days, a blood pressure monitor to wear for 24 hours and a stress test. In a two week span we were back and forth to Brampton 5 times to get all these test done. They had to all be done separately. But we did it!! We get results of everything November 4. He ordered her to stay active and eat healthy!

So on Emmy the yellow circle, that valve is where the purple dot is.
Emmy wearing her heart monitor. She wore it for 3 days and did all her regular activities.
Also with the monitor and cool pouch to hold it in.
This blood pressure monitor went off every 15 mins!! What a trooper she was. She got it on at 4:30pm in Brampton and we just made it home in time for her GEMS meeting that she did not want to miss. From 10 pm – 7 am it went off every 30 mins. I kept her home from school the next day as it was a rough long night.

Yesterday we finished the pee samples and did the final blood work. All that needs to be done now is the stress test and ultrasound of her kidneys which we do Friday. The stress test appointment is not till February. We do got this. One day at a time. My mind has been constantly thinking okay done that, now this. It’s been an insanity busy month.

We are hoping and praying for all good results and will do everything we can to keep her healthy and happy. She was so excited and we got the okay to sign her up for her much wanted dance classes!